Sunday, September 25, 2016

Color Me...Rainbow?

Move over basic fall hues and highlights! Make way for one of the season's most fun hair trends: hidden rainbows.  This idea was first introduced during the summer, but has gained momentum in popularity as we approach the upcoming fall season.  The emerging coloring concept is built on the idea of having fun outrageous hair when you desire, yet still having the ability to rock a professional appearance in the office.  

The look is created by pinning the outer strands of hair out of the way, then proceeding to bleach and color the under layers of hair.  Color can be done in a variety of shades to reflect personal tastes and style.  This allows the hair owner to wear all hair down, for a classic, one color look, but then pull her hair up to unleash a vibrant rainbow a unicorn would be jealous of in her free time.  A modern business/party approach, minus the awful Billy Rae Cyrus mullet memories.  For those who tend be risk adverse when it comes to hair (i.e. ME), no worries, the look can be constructed by adding colorful clip ins the under layers of hair.

But who thought of this? The trend is known to have emerged in London as a continuing remnant of the 1960’s Youthquake movement.  The movement was coined by then Vogue editor-in-chief, Diana Vreeland, and was defined as spirited, youthful, and colorful.  Some even say that the rainbow Snapchat filter may have been a source of inspiration for the creative outbreak.  Hidden rainbows have since gained a lot of media attention, as the trend was featured on the Today show with Kathie Lee and Hoda earlier this September. 

 Is this a trend you would get behind? 


  1. Great post!! This is definitely not a trend that I can get behind. I don't have enough courage to dye my hair rainbow and I already know that I could never pull this off. The most daring thing that I've ever done with my hair is dye one streak black, but you could barely see it because I didn't bleach it first. I would be much more willing to clip on streaks to my hair if I was going to a party or concert because I couldn't live with it for 6-8 weeks. Going bold with ones hair, outfit, and even makeup has become the trend all around the world because no one wants to blend in anymore; standing out is the new black. Since everyone wants to find a unique way to stand out, don't we all end up blending in all over again?

  2. This is such an awesome idea! I had no idea that this was a thing, but it totally makes sense...its like a colorful mullet (without the terrible haircut). I'm not sure if I would ever be brave enough to try this out for myself, but I might try the rainbow extensions. I think that it is very interesting how you thought to use this concept for digital marketing, since it originated from the Youthquake movement. Great job!

  3. Rainbow everything seems to be the trend in 2016! Did you see the rainbow highlighter everyone was freaking out about a few months ago? I follow Brit & Co. on all the social platforms and they have really grasped on to this fad. They have posted several tutorials featuring the rainbow highlighter and the rainbow hair. Although I don't think I could get myself to dye my hair rainbow, I definitely think it's a fun look for anyone who has the courage to do it!

  4. Really enjoyed your post! I had no clue that this concept was becoming a trend, but it makes perfect sense. My roommate and I were just talking about how we want to put a pink streak in our hair just to throw it back to middle school, but both realized that our jobs wouldn't allow us to because it wasn't professional. So I love the idea of this leaving room for you to be expressive, but still professional!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think this hair trend is a really cool idea. I've seen pictures of this trending all over BuzzFeed and Instagram. It is perfect for people who want versatility in their hairstyle. One day, they can be really bold and show all of the colors, and the next day they can cover it up with their natural hair color. Colorful hair is definitely in right now and it is fun to see the creativity of color combinations from people who express themselves with their hair.

  7. I have seen this all over Instagram in the past month! And it seems to be really popular among most people adventurous enough to embrace the trend. I like that it can be subtle or fun and creative. Great blog post!

  8. I think this trend is awesome but I don't think I could pull it off. I've dyed my hair all sorts of shades but I've never gone full rainbow. The people who do rock this look seem totally cool and they look amazing. I think it's just so beautiful but you need the right aesthetic. Great post!

  9. Loved this post! Not sure I would dye my hair but it looks so cool! I love when trends like this start because people get into it and its cool to see. I saw recently people are making their lips look like crystals. I think its so funny that people associate the rainbow filter with the trend!

  10. I definitely don't have the courage to dye my hair such vibrant colors, but it's easy to see why this is becoming such a huge trend. I've seen celebrities adopting this trend as well, which is bound to inspire plenty of their fans and really get the ball rolling with it. I think it's nice that they have the clip in options as well so that the less brave at heart can still give this fashion trend a try. Good post!

  11. Great post! I've seen this and was curious as to where it started. It's amazing how something from the 1960's is still active in this time. I guess that shows how trends always come back eventually. Not sure if I'd dye my hair ever but definitely a cool post and find!

  12. This is such a fun idea! I've seen this look all over Pinterest and Tumblr but I have never actually seen anyone with this hairstyle in real life. I think this is a beautiful and bold look, but I think the expense and burden of upkeep would be a huge drawback. Just imagine getting roots touched up in 7 different colors..

  13. This is such a fun idea in theory, but the thought of being stuck to something so colorful for that amount of time till it grows out freaks me out. I agree that it is bold but not necessary in the way I would want to be bold in a workplace.
